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Sei Sumi (2015). Towards integration and normalisation of technology in the Japanese EFL context: An ecological perspective on foreign language teaching. Tokyo: Kinseido.
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Sumi, S., & Takeuchi, O. (2010). The Cyclic Model of Learning: An Ecological Perspective on the Use of Technology in Foreign Language Education. Language Education and Technology, 47, 51–-74. (査読あり) Download PDF version
住 政二郎(2011). 質的研究の科学性に関する一考察 『外国語教育メディア学会関西支部メソドロジー研究部会2010年度報告論集』, 30–44. (査読なし) Download PDF version
Sumi, S. (2011). Application of Access-Log Analysis and Social-Network Analysis to the Study of Foreign-Language Learning. Language Education & Technology, 48, 95–124. (査読あり) Download PDF version
住 政二郎 (2014). 項目反応理論—1PLM, 2PLM, 3PLM, 多段階反応モデル—『LET関西支部メソドロジー研究部会2013年度報告論集』, 4, 34–62. (査読なし) Download PDF version
Sumi, S., & Schalow, T. (2014). An Application of DBR to the Development of a Framework for English Language Education. International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 4(3), 10–17. Download PDF version
住 政二郎 (2014). 質的研究を考える—概念,評価,方法— 『LET関西支部メソドロジー研究部会報告論集』5, 42–63. (査読なし) Download PDF version
住 政二郎 (2014). PROX法と同時最尤推定法の概説『LET関西支部メソドロジー研究部会報告論集』6, 96–116.(査読なし) Download PDF version
住 政二郎 (2015.9.30). 適応型テストへの応用:ベイズEAP推定法とフィッシャー情報量の概説『LET関西支部メソドロジー研究部会報告論集』7, 25–39.(査読なし) Download PDF version
住 政二郎 (2015). LUNAを活用した反転授業の試み—科学技術英語の実践を通じて—『関西学院大学高等教育研究』6, 151–163. (査読なし) Read PDF
住 政二郎・工藤 多恵・乗次 章子・山脇 野枝 (2017). 「アイテムバンクとAutomated Test Makerの開発と応用」『LET関西支部メソドロジー研究部会報告論集』10, 41–48. (査読なし) Download PDF
Kudo, T., Sumi, S., & Yamda, K. (2017). Utilization of LUNA to Enhance TOEIC Vocabulary. Kwansei Gakuin University Researches in Higher Education, 7, 119–132. Download PDF
Sumi, S., & Miyazawa, Y. (2017). Application of the Graded Response Model of Item Response Theory to Computerized Dynamic Assessment in L2 English Education. The Journal of Information and Systems in Education, 16(1), 18–25.
Tae Kudo, Kym Jolley, Sei Sumi, Joshua Wilson, Laura Huston, Kent Jones(2020).An Automated Reading Test Bank for Assessing Student Reading Ability 『関西学院大学高等教育研究』10, 135-149.
Erik Fritz, Robert Dormer, Sei Sumi, Tae Kudo (2022). The acquisition of formulaic sequences in EFL email writing, English for Specific Purposes, 65, 15–29.
Tae Kudo, Yoshihiro Minamitsu, Sei Sumi(2024).Exploring the Impact of Machine Translation on Students' Reading Skills and Vocabulary Knowledge: Can It Enhance English Reading Proficiency? 『関西学院大学高等教育研究』14, 31-43.
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山本 勝巳・東 淳一・住 政二郎(2011). TTSを利用したMoodle用教材の作成について Moodle Moot Japan 2011, 19.
Sumi, S., Yamamoto, K., & Azuma, J. (2011). Application of Access and Network Analysis to Moodle-based Blended Learning for English as a Foreign Language Learning. Moodle Moot Japan 2011, 25.
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Mizumoto, A., Sumi, S., Sugai, K., & Urano, K. (2019). Who benefits from using an online writing support tool for research articles? 2019.3.11 at 54th RELC International Conference and 5th Asia-Pacific LSP and Professional Communication Association Conference (Regional Language Centre in Singapore).
Sumi, S, & Sumi, T. (2022). Application of Elo Rating System to Small-Class-Sized Achievement Tests. 56th RELC International Conference (Virtual). (Regional Language Centre in Singapore).
Sumi, S., & Deguchi, T. (2023). Application of the Elo Rating System to the Development of the Automated Test Maker for English Education. The 8th IAFOR International Conference on Education (2023.1.6, The Hawai'i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States).
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